Tag Archives: biography

Progress Report–Update on the Book

Book Update

Hello folks, it has been a while since I first announced that I am writing a biography of Mariusz Duda (back in August if you missed it). I want to give you some more recent information. Sorry for the length.

First… well, I made a mistake. I worked on the manuscript over the summer of 2024 when I had a lot of free time (I was a teacher, so summers off) and got to the point where I felt I could reveal that this project existed.

I stupidly assumed that I would continue to write the book once I returned to work in September–that is, work during the day, write in the evenings.

Hahahaha….Yeah, no. That didn’t happen. Writing for me (at least writing well) is very mentally taxing: it takes a lot of brain effort. Things had changed at work, I had a longer commute than before, so I had to leave earlier in the morning and got back home later in the evening. I would sit down, open the book files, and then write very little. My brain was too fried by the end of the day. There were other things happening as well. That means for the fall of 2024, not much got done. It was stressing me out.

As a result I’m behind, and the hoped-for release in or near September ain’t gonna happen. That was pretty tentative anyway, because I know that the whole process of writing, editing, etc. etc. always takes longer than you think it will, but yeah–it definitely won’t be ready by then. That actually may work out better for the book, though. See below.

So…I made some changes. The biggest one is simply that I retired from my job. I’d always enjoyed my work but not lately, growing stresses and anxiety had stripped the fun away, and it was time to leave. This happened at the end of January.

I certainly have the time now, and I am writing a lot.

The book itself: where are we?

I didn’t tell you the title the first time because it was probably going to change. It did change, but I’m still keeping it a secret for now because it might change again.

You have a glimpse of chapter titles though–you might notice a pattern. At the moment there are 8 plus an Introduction and a couple of Interjections. Not sure how stable that is; a couple of the chapters are very long and might have to be broken up.

Some of these chapters are pretty complete (in terms of information), but the later ones need a lot of work. The last couple of chapters especially that deal with the most recent few years are very incomplete. I am waiting on the last Lunatic Soul album of course, and other information. I want the book to be as complete as I can get it for 2025. Of course at some point I will have to stop writing.

The Introduction, Chapter 1, and a part of Chapter 2 have been formally workshopped: that is, other writers/potential writers (who have no knowledge at all of the subject of the book) have read them in an academic setting, and provided feedback and critiques. Overall the response has been positive, with some even saying they would like to read more about this person they have never heard of. That is a small win.

Next steps: for the book is fact-checking. Someone else gets to read it to make sure I haven’t made up too much of it.

Looking for a publisher: that is a terrifying and difficult and soul-destroying process. I will be focusing on small, independent, probably specialist publishers–no big house will be interested in such a niche topic. I probably won’t be successful (most people aren’t) in which case–self-publishing and Print-On-Demand. Ugh. But that’s how it works these days.

Completion and a first copy-edit passthrough by me (that is, correcting as many grammar, spelling, sequence mistakes that I can find. There will be a lot of those).

Then off to what are called “beta readers” – people who will read closely and make critiques and comments and recommendations. Please don’t ask me; I have folks in mind.

Then a developmental edit by an actual professional editor. That is a very important edit that looks for overall flow and sequence and makes sure that things are in a sensible order and everything that should be in there is in there.

Eventually: cover design. That’s also a big deal and will need a professional.

Will there be photos inside? Not sure yet–most of that is not up to me. Getting hold of interesting ones, and permissions yadda.

Now for the important part–you guys. Quick question:

The way Meta is going… well, all I will say is that it is hard to find anything worthwhile showing up in feeds lately. I will be posting about the book on other platforms in addition to here. Possibilities include:

Substack–it would be free, no worries, and it allows me to create a mailing list, so you wouldn’t miss any news.

Anywhere else?

I will NOT be using Xitter…. ; I’m not a video person so probably not TikTok

So…stay tuned!!

Exciting News!! Something Big!!

Do I have your attention? 😃

What’s Going On?

The past few months have been very slow on my blog–not, probably, that anyone has noticed, but still…I’ve let it slide. I have not been talking much about new music, because I haven’t been listening much to new music, and there is a reason for that: something else has taken precedence.

 Here’s a bit of context:

A few years ago (well, more than a few, but let’s not talk about how quickly time is passing…), I started a series of posts in which I ranked and reviewed all of Riverside’s studio albums and EPs. I meant to do the same thing for Lunatic Soul but somehow it didn’t happen: this project is of such profound importance to me that I struggle to express how I feel about it. I have written reviews for all the LS albums from Walking On a Flashlight Beam to Through Shaded Woods, but I always felt at a loss when I tried to explain the whole project’s impact.

Then something entirely unexpected happened. I mean, completely out of the blue, I never saw it coming, never in a thousand years would it have occurred to me, all of that.

One day I responded to a text message, and in the middle of the conversation, the sender suddenly said: “You know what I think? One day you should write a book. About Riv/LS, maybe MD stuff. I can help you.”

Continue reading Exciting News!! Something Big!!

Review: Limited Edition of One by Steven Wilson

Limited Edition of One: How to Succeed in the Music Industry Without Being Part of the Mainstream, by Steven Wilson with Mick Wall. Constable, 2022. 375 pp.

I don’t often do book reviews, but lately I have embarked on a heavy schedule of reading music biographies (for reasons), and this is one of several in the pipeline. Since I’ve reviewed some of Wilson’s solo albums on this site, I figured I’d extend the favour to his book. 

Limited Edition of One is Steven Wilson’s chance to talk about himself in long form, touching on all sorts of topics along the way. The style is informal and accessible, not all that different from long interviews, or articles that he has written: I have no doubt that this is his voice. Apart from his annoyingly persistent habit of using the first-person-reflexive pronoun as a subject pronoun, it is relatively error-free, so there was probably some kind of editorial eye cast on it. There aren’t a lot of pictures, and the ones that are there are black-and-white and relatively low-res, scattered throughout the book. This review is for the paperback.

Anyway, on to the meat.

Continue reading Review: Limited Edition of One by Steven Wilson